Dr. Ernie Ward and Beckie Mossor, MPA, RVT, have co-hosted their award-winning weekly veterinary podcast since 2016.

Each week, they “tackle the toughest topics in veterinary medicine,” highlighting controversial issues and trending news, introducing veterinary key opinion leaders and provocateurs, and offering solutions to the myriad challenges facing the veterinary profession.


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Dr. Ernie Ward Dr. Ernie Ward

We Missed Veterinary Assistant Appreciation Week - What’s the Future for Vet Assistants?

Happy belated Veterinary Assistant Appreciation Week! February 14-18, 2022 was celebrated by the Schwarzman Animal Medical Center in New York City - and we missed it! This week we take time to not only appreciate our beloved veterinary assistants, but also discuss some of the challenges and opportunities we see in the future of this essential role in veterinary medicine.

Hosts Dr. Ernie Ward and Beckie Mossor, RVT share their love and respect for these often unsung heroes of veterinary medicine. The pair discuss some of the prior (unnecessary) drama between celebrating National Veterinary Technician Week and other recognitions for veterinary team members. Dr. Ward emphasizes that, “Celebrating one group doesn’t take anything away from another.”

Beckie posits on whether or not vet assistants are over- or underutilized in clinics and why “Veterinary State Boards need to get ahead of this issue because private entities already are there.” Both hosts offer setting boundaries and credentialing for veterinary assistants.

Beckie stresses the National Veterinary Technician Association’s Approved Veterinary Assistant Program (link in notes) and offers her opinions on soem of the rapidly developing private programs.

Viewfinders, this is another important topic that transcends an “appreciation week.” Share your thoughts and opinions with us!

If you’d like to see Beckie and Ernie “live” on the internet to take your questions, drop us a line at VeterinaryViewfinder@gmail.com!

The Approved Veterinary Assistant program created by the National Association of Veterinary Technicians in America: https://www.navta.net/veterinary-assistants-program/

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Dr. Ernie Ward Dr. Ernie Ward

Veterinary Unionization 2022 Update with Liz Hughston RVT 

Veterinary unions are once again in the news. A Thrive (formerly Pathways) veterinary clinic in New York recently voted 2 to 1 to form a union. There is growing interest in veterinary unionization, and this week we're joined once again by one of the leading voices in this movement, Liz Hughston, MEd., RVT, CVT, LVT, LVMT, VTS (SAIM) (ECC).

Hosts Dr. Ernie Ward and Beckie Mossor, RVT talk with Liz about the latest developments in the Thrive veterinary clinic case and other veterinary unions across the country, what a union really is and how collective bargaining could help veterinary professionals, tactics commonly used to discourage veterinary professionals from pursuing collective bargaining, and why this discussion is arguably more important than ever before in our profession.

Viewfinders, this is an important topic that has the potential to improve many aspects of the veterinary profession that we feel need changing. From low pay to title protection, to resources to help prevent burnout, unionization is one mechanism to give veterinary professionals working in corporate-controlled clinics a real voice.

To learn more about the National Veterinary Professionals Union, visit www.natvpu.org.

To watch the John Oliver Union Busting reporting Liz referred to in the podcast: https://youtu.be/Gk8dUXRpoy8

Liz also recommends this video on Union Busting: https://perfectunion.us/

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Dr. Ernie Ward Dr. Ernie Ward

Are Veterinary Professional Certifications Worth It In 2022

There's been a surge in the number of veterinary professional certifications over the past few years. But are those extra initials behind your degree worth it in 2022?

Hosts Dr. Ernie Ward and Beckie Mossor, RVT start the new year off with a conversation about the what's, when's, why's, and (probably most important to employers) worth of professional certifications. It gets complicated.

Viewfinders, our hosts have a number of professional certifications to their credit, yet they encourage caution before adding one (or some) to your signature these days.

Beckie asks whether or not imposter syndrome is behind the need to add professional clout and Dr. Ward ponders how much profit motive is at play. Both companies may be taking advantage of some veterinary professionals by leveraging the "need to be seen" by colleagues as capable and competent by adding certifications. Did we mention it's complicated?

Beckie argues that title protection should (once again) be our profession's top priority and that we need better clarification on the difference between "credentials" and "certifications."

Both hosts agree that VTS and Board-certification are true "professional credentials" but are concerned that some groups may be promoting a "certification" as a "credential," leading to confusion by the pet-owning public and and dilution of value by our colleagues. Told you it was complicated.

Dr. Ward challenges the notion that every certification (or credential) must carry a profit motive or "return on investment" and encourages Viewfinders to better themselves through education, and, yes, certification when appropriate.

Viewfinders, this is another wide-ranging conversation that tackles a tough topic we believe needs to be talked about more in the veterinary profession.

Happy New Year and staff safe! And keep it simple! ;-)

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Dr. Ernie Ward Dr. Ernie Ward

Tough Topics and Trends in 2022 for the Veterinary Profession

Happy New Year, Viewfinders! This week our hosts preview the veterinary profession’s toughest topics and trends we predict for 2022!

Dr. Ernie Ward and Beckie Mossor, RVT join in a rapid-fire discussion of the top challenges they foresee for 2022 (and beyond).

Some of the issues they discuss include:

  • Veterinary workforce shortages

  • Mental health issues (burnout, depression, compassion fatigue, substance abuse, etc.)

  • Veterinary staff wages and benefits

  • Student loans an date rising cost of DVM/RVT degrees

  • Inflation of vet services and products - what impacts will inflation have on patient care and client communications?

  • Social media complaints - We’re seeing reports of vets being charged with ethics and professional behavior violations when they engage clients online. Yikes!

  • Corporatization vs Independent Practices: How can we get along and compete?

  • Core vaccines - potential challenges post-pandemic vaccine controversies?

  • Politics - Veterinary Practices and 2022 Midterms

  • What happened to the Veterinary Nurse Initiative (VNI)? Our continuing plea for veterinary technician Title Protection

  • Telemedicine - Muddy waters ahead or smooth sailing?

  • Brachycephalic breeds - Will US veterinary professionals speak out as they are in the UK?

  • CBD - definitely maybe?

  • Climate change

  • Animal welfare and Food animal production, ventilation Shutdown (VSD)

Looks like 2022 is going to be an exciting and promising year! Happy New Year, Viewfinders!

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Dr. Ernie Ward Dr. Ernie Ward

A Very Veterinary Christmas Special

Happy Holidays Viewfinders! This week, we’ve got TWO Very Veterinary Holiday Poems to share! Pull on your favorite comfy clothes or hit “play” on your way to work, because we’ve got plenty of holiday cheer to spread to you this week!

Hosts Dr. Ernie Ward and Beckie Mossor, RVT discovered two “very veterinary holiday poems” to put their best holiday podcast spin on! These are family-friendly, so blast away on your sound systems! (Or share your headphones…)

Our first poem was written by the UK’s Dr. Marc Silpa when he was but a wee student at the University of Edinburgh in 2015. It was titled “The Veterinarian’s ’Twas the Night Before Christmas” and published in SAVMA’s “Vet Gazette.”

Set in his teaching hospital’s ER, we bet you’ll recognize similarities with many of your own holiday emergencies! Will Dogual survive? Will their treatment plan work? Listen closely to learn his fate! You can read it here: https://bit.ly/3pbzvKO We hope you like our special “twist on the tale!”

Next, we have a mixed-animal practitioner perspective on Santa’s reindeer called “Equine Vet Xmas Poem.” No, we didn’t make that up. What it lacks in title creativity it more than makes up in reindeer medicine fun!

Santa has a load of sick reindeer, and his “Elf recommended” treatments don’t seem to be helping. It’s nearly Christmas and Vixen may be pregnant (thanks, Rudolph), Blitzen has antler arthritis, Cupid is foundering, and Donner needs a shot of bute. Plus, will Santa run off without paying the veterinarian? Listen to find out! It was written by Dr. Madison Seamans in 1993 and can be enjoyed here: https://bit.ly/3pbzV3Q

Viewfinders, we hope you enjoy these fun renditions and share with friends and family! Be safe and we hope you’re able to be with those you love. Happy Holidays from us to you!

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Dr. Ernie Ward Dr. Ernie Ward

More Dangerous TikTok Pet Trends & What Veterinary Professionals Need to Do

There’s a new TikTok trend we believe could potentially harm dogs called the “Bark at your Dog Challenge.” Veterinary colleagues and concerned pet parents, let’s discuss. And, WTF is wrong with people?

Hosts Dr. Ernie Ward and Beckie Mossor, RVT revisit their concern that some popular social media trends could be harmful to animals. This week our hosts discuss what many are calling a “funny, hilarious and surprising” challenge that they categorize as “disturbing.”

Beckie recalls the history of potentially problematic social media trends (and our past podcasts addressing them) and why this particular challenge especially irks her.

Dr. Ward ponders if these “scary” challenges are an extension of other “bad behavior” social media trends and what impact social media may have on the the human:animal bond among the youngest pet owners (we’re looking at you, late Get Z pet parents out there). Dr. Ward also shares his concerns that this is an extension of a broader expansion of “videos of people behaving badly” that seems to get more social media likes, views, or attention. Again, WTF is wrong with people?

Viewfinders, once again, we’re bringing you a veterinary topic lurking just below the mainstream that we think needs more discussion by our colleagues. Beckie repeats her wish for a dollar every time we’ve said, “Let’s get out in front of this topic.” We accept all major forms of payment!

Our loyal Viewfinder Family, what do you think about these trends? What do you think about Beckie and Dr. Ward’s advice on how veterinary professionals can - and should - address them? We want to hear from you!

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Dr. Ernie Ward Dr. Ernie Ward

Polarized Pet Parents! Are Veterinary Clinics the New Fight Clubs?

Tell me if you’ve heard this one before: Some pet parents are combining current conspiracy theories with internet medical misinformation and forming personal beliefs that are turning our veterinary exam rooms into “Debate Night” or “Fight Clubs!” Are we at risk of losing our ability to have civil discourse with clients and compromise? This week is all about the polarization of pet parents and their impacts on veterinary practice. This week, we’re not pulling any punches!

Hosts Dr. Ernie Ward and Beckie Mossor, RVT begin this episode by discussing a recent controversy over allowing pets, particularly dogs, into soem eating establishments. This controversy over allowing pets in restaurants spilled over into a large retirement community, and, as Dr. Ward says, “The real action was in the comments!” But dining with dogs isn’t what this week’s podcast is about.

Our hosts discuss how polarized the general public and pet parents have become over the past couple of years on pet-related issues from restaurants, travel, vaccines, and preventive care (we’re looking at you, heartworm and flea/tick preventives!). It seems more clients are looking for a debate or argument with veterinary professionals than ever before. And when asked about their stance on these hot topics, some of these disgruntled pet parents call in a social media “hate raid” on your clinic! What’s a veterinary clinic to do?

Viewfinders, this is another hard-hitting, wide-ranging conversation about an emerging challenge in veterinary practice. As Beckie always says, “NOW is the time to get ahead of it!”

Are you experiencing more heated conversations in your exam rooms? Do you think you’re seeing more extreme positions and opinions on many veterinary care topics? How are you handling this challenging situations?

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Dr. Ernie Ward Dr. Ernie Ward

Are Veterinarians "Real Doctors"? A Recent Social Media Controversy Sparks Debate

Are veterinarians “real doctors”? What about vet techs? Are they “medical professionals”? A recent veterinarian versus Peloton quarrel over a "medical professional discount" went public on social media, and we’ve got all the feels…

Hosts Dr. Ernie Ward (a proud Peloton papa since the beginning) and Beckie Mossor, RVT (not in the Peloton fam) tackle the issue of what to do when the public fails to recognize or respect veterinary professionals was “medical professionals.” This issue is a whole lot bigger than a stationary bike.

Beckie shares the recent social media outrage and ”Peloton punching bag” that has dominated many feeds the past week. Beckie postulates that this week’s Peloton pushback follows a long history of vets being dissed, that hearkens all the way back to Dr. James Herriot.

Dr. Ward urges our colleagues to take meaningful steps to make positive change, rather than solely engage in online emotional outrage. He also encourages our veterinary organizations, particularly the AVMA and NAVTA, to issue statements and his in elevating the public perception of veterinary professionals.

Both our hosts share personal stories of how they’ve been slighted in public, and Dr. Ward reveals how he stopped comparing himself to human doctors early in his career and why veterinary professionals shouldn’t “take it personally.”

Viewfinders, this is a jam-packed conversation that covers a lot of tough topics. Let us know your thoughts!

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Dr. Ernie Ward Dr. Ernie Ward

The Vet Med Guilt Game - Quitting, Vacation, & Holiday Time Off Shaming

Lately, we’ve been hearing stories of veterinary practice managers and owners making departing staff feel guilty for finding a better job. After a team member puts in their notice, they then face a barrage of guilt-inducing blame and judgment, further eroding their self confidence and assertiveness. But it doesn’t end there.

Hosts Beckie Mossor, RVT and Dr. Ernie Ward also share their concerns about the rapidly approaching holiday season and the impact "holiday time off" may have on our already overwhelmed teams' morale, productivity, and patient care. Ho, ho, hold on for this one, Viewfinders!

This week our hosts discuss the importance of respectfully and professionally handling an employee leaving their job for another, and why exit interviews may, “help you save the rest,” as Dr. Ward puts it.

The pair also tackle the topic of holiday time off and each share real-time vacation dilemmas they are hearing from veterinary colleagues around the country. Beckie advises, “Get ahead of your holiday planning now!” We explain…

Viewfinders, once again we cover A LOT of territory in this half-hour conversation. Share your thoughts by email or direct message!

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Dr. Ernie Ward Dr. Ernie Ward

Veterinary Job Ads - Words versus Reality in the War for Vet Staff

There’s no shortage of veterinary job listings these days. As competition for veterinary professionals heats up, are some of these employment ads potentially misleading or misrepresenting their workplace reality? We tackle that tough topic and job search woes in this episode! Plus, we give our thoughts on creating better, more truthful job postings and why making employees your top priority is the best strategy of all! Viewfinders, hang on to your noggin’ for this one!

Hosts Beckie Mossor, RVT and Dr. Ernie Ward discuss the recent escalation in the appealing language and messages in veterinary job ads. The pair offer advice to applicants seeking to sift through the fluff and get to the truth.

Our hosts also share several recent stories of vets and vet techs who discovered a new hire was being paid more than established staff, and the impact that had on team morale.

Dr. Ward revisits his experience and philosophy on his switch in the 1990’s to paying staff much more than “industry standards” and how that move affected both revenue and quality of life for him and his team.

Beckie stresses the importance of protective the title of “veterinary technician” in employment listings and how to handle a boss or manager not playing fair with pay and benefits.

Viewfinders, we hope these tough conversations continue to spark change within the veterinary profession. We had a blast recording this episode and would love to hear from you!

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Dr. Ernie Ward Dr. Ernie Ward

How Veterinary Relief Staff Can Help Heal your Practice

During the past 18 months, nearly every veterinary practice has experienced unprecedented demands and challenges. Throw in the reality of an historically-tight job market, with few available veterinarians and vet techs to go around, and you’ve got even more problems. These difficulties have caused considerable professional (and personal) burnout, with many colleagues not knowing how they could possibly take a break. That’s where relief (or locus) veterinary staff could help heal your practice ills.

Hosts Dr. Ernie Ward and Beckie Mossor, RVT are joined by Dr. Cindy Trice, Founder of Relief Rover, an online service that connect veterinary clinics with relief help.

Dr. Trice shares how she started in relief work, what led to the formation of ReliefRover.com, and how impactful leveraging relief staff can be for an overworked team.

Viewfinders, you know we’re compactly lamenting the fact that you’re overworked, underpaid, and under appreciated. Here’s a solution we think could help you (at least) get a break to recharge your spirit (and body, relationships, etc.).

What have your experiences with relief vets or vet techs been? Is this something you think would help your clinic? Share your thoughts (and a 5-star review) over on Apple Podcasts or our social media! Thank you!

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Dr. Ernie Ward Dr. Ernie Ward

Generation Ghost - Is Saying Nothing the New Way to Say No?

Veterinary practices around the country are reporting high numbers of veterinary staff failing (or bailing) on interviews or even work. Is “ghosting” or saying nothing becoming the new way to say, “No”? This week we discuss.

Hosts Dr. Ernie Ward and Beckie Mossor, RVT discuss the concerning trend of veterinary job applicants “ghosting” veterinary practices during the hiring process. Is this really a thing? If so, why? And what can we do to improve communications during interview and hiring?

The duo tackle the reasons why “ghosting” may be on the rise, the role social media may be having on the acceptance or failing to follow-through, and the impacts this behavior may have in the short- and long-terms. As Beckie shares, “Do you want guilt in the short-term or resentment in the long-term?” We explore.

Viewfinders, is “ghosting” jobs becoming accepted? What affects may “no shows” have on existing staff? What happens to the future job prospects for folks who “ghost” veterinary clinics? So much to talk about this episode!

Viewfinders, we’d love to hear your thoughts! Share with us on social media or email veterinaryviewfinder@gmail.com And thanks for not ghosting us for the past (nearly) 5 years!

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