Dr. Ernie Ward and Beckie Mossor, MPA, RVT, have co-hosted their award-winning weekly veterinary podcast since 2016.

Each week, they “tackle the toughest topics in veterinary medicine,” highlighting controversial issues and trending news, introducing veterinary key opinion leaders and provocateurs, and offering solutions to the myriad challenges facing the veterinary profession.


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Dr. Ernie Ward Dr. Ernie Ward

Rumors and Recalls: Responding to Negative Reports about Veterinary Products

A tough topic you'll encounter at some point in your veterinary career is some sort of recall. These recalls and worries can be about medications, pet foods, and pet accessories, encompassing a wide gamut of products and services we recommend to the pet-owning public, and suddenly, somebody says there's a problem. This week, we want to discuss what you should do if you encounter one of these rumors or recalls and how you can better communicate with your clients and stay ahead of hysteria. 

Join hosts Dr. Ernie Ward and Beckie Mossor, RVT, MPA, as they share their experiences with veterinary rumors and recalls. They offer their experiences and tips on how you should respond and why education is the foundation of better professional communication. 

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