Dr. Ernie Ward

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Twas the Night Before Christmas in the Vet Clinic by Beckie Mossor, RVT

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Happy holidays, Viewfinders! This week we’ve got a special rendition of “Twas the Night Before Christmas” written by our very own Beckie Mossor, RVT!

‘Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the clinic

Not a creature was stirring, but there’s always a cynic.

“Seems awful quiet,” they said; Oh yes, they did dare,

For at that very moment, they knew the rush soon be there.


The front staff was working away on their day,

When they heard the cursed words, they cried, “What’d you just say?!”

Then the new grad in training gently laid down a cat,

Turned with a frown and said, “What’s wrong with that?”


When out in the lobby, there arose such a clatter,

Seasoned staff on their shifts knew what was the matter.

But the newbies, they flew to the front in a flash,

When in came the clients, through the door with a smash.


A cat in a crate calling out with a Meow,

A client at hand yelling we need some help now!

If that didn’t seem bad enough, then appeared,

A bunny not eating; it’s white and lop-eared.


With experience and grace, so swift and so quick,

I knew in a moment it must be a vet tech.

More rapid than dex, the techs they all came,

And they checked in each patient as they called them by name.


Now, Buddy, and Daisy, then Missy and Max!

Next, Buster, and Sox, and Angel, and Jax!

To exam room one, to two, then to three,

Patients and parents, as far as we see.


As x-rays are taken, and lab work gets done,

The staff’s in good spirits; they’re still having fun.

So, vet’s do exams, and techs fill their order,

The patient list is shrinking; slowly, it gets shorter.


By the end of the day, they have seen every pet,

Every prescription refilled; their bottles all set.

Discharges go great, the parents all listen,

Their eyes don’t glass over. They don’t shimmer and glisten.


The staff wraps it up and turns out the lights,

Grateful the day's curse didn’t end in a fight.

Forgiveness is given for the jinx that was spoken,

Any grudges they had were mostly broken.


For overall, it was a success,

No drama or hassle, and minimal stress.


A workday like this is my wish for you,

My wish is just this, it is pure, and it’s true.


So to make this wish work, we know it must rhyme,

 My wish for you is to go home on time.

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