Dr. Ernie Ward

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Could this 30-second Health Hack Change your Life? Daily Gratitude Practice for Veterinary Professionals

It’s closing time for another year, and another decade is in the books. As we begin to write a new chapter in our lives, many of us will be reflecting on how we can make the next year - and the next decade - our best yet. I’ve been practicing goal planning, especially each New Year’s Day, for my entire adult life. One of my earliest Youtube videos, way back on January 4, 2009, was about goal setting and creating a plan to improve fitness and health.

In addition to improving your diet, exercising more frequently and efficiently, and getting more restorative sleep, your mental and spiritual well-being should be addressed.

Numerous studies prove that daily gratitude practices can enhance your relationships, improve your empathy and decrease aggression, boost self-esteem, and increase mental strength. All of these fortify your mental well-being, allowing you to better deal with stress and overcome adversity.

I’ve practiced a variety of gratitude techniques over the past 30 years, but the one I keep returning to is the one I stumbled upon during college before we had terms such as “gratitude practice.” Back then, it was simply called “Start your day with positive thoughts.” Today I call it “Tilting Toward Optimism,” and I’ve talked about it many times on our weekly podcast, The Veterinary Viewfinder. As you start the new year, I encourage you to try this simple and highly effective gratitude practice yourself.

How to Tilt Toward Optimism Each Day - Daily Gratitude Practice

It works like this:

1) Before you reach for your phone to scroll Instagram, Facebook, or check your email, even before you open your eyes, pause for 15 to 30 seconds to remember something you're grateful for in your past. It can be time spent with loved ones, a scene from a vacation or race, a patient you helped, or any memory that gives you joy.

2) After 15 to 30 seconds reflecting on a past event you're grateful for, spend another 15 to 30 seconds being consciously thankful for one thing you'll do today. It can be time spent with a colleague, an anticipated appointment with a special patient, your daily workout, or your love for someone or a pet.

That's it! The key is to start your day tilted toward optimism. This way, whenever adversity strikes - and it will - you start from a place of mental positivity instead of an emotional deficit. I think of it as starting my day "positively primed" so that if I slip into negativity, I've got a better chance of staying at least emotionally neutral rather than slipping further into negativity, depression, or anger.

I worry that too many people begin their day overwhelmed and intimidated by social media posts and news stories, creating feelings of inferiority and anxiety that don't nourish their souls and calm their spirits. Try this 30-second gratitude practice daily for a week, and I bet you'll feel better.

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