Ernie Ward, DVM, CVFT (veterinary food therapist), has spent his career blending healthy lifestyles and medicine.

He is internationally known for improving veterinary medical standards, creating a higher quality of life for animals, and promoting healthier habits for pets and people.

Dr. Ward has been a leader in the areas of pet nutrition, pet obesity, and weight loss, establishing diagnostic test protocols and patented pet technologies, promoting senior pet care, and advancing veterinary practice standards and veterinary staff training.

Dr. Ward proudly serves on several veterinary Boards, including Morris Animal Foundation on the Scientific Advisory Board (2022-2023) and Animal Welfare Committee (2024-Present), Southern European Veterinary Conference Scientific Chair and Practice Management Committee Chair (2013-Present), World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA) Financial Advisory Committee (2024-Present), Grey Muzzle Organization (2014-Present), CATalyst Council Board of Directors (2024-Present), and Mission Rabies (2017-Present), to name a few.

He is also the author of the popular veterinary QA column, โ€œOpening Shots,โ€ in NAVCโ€™s โ€œTodayโ€™s Veterinary Business.โ€

The Clean Pet Food Revolution (2020)
Better You, Better Dog, Better Life (2019)
Chow Hounds: Why Our Dogs Are Getting Fatter (2010)
Creating the Veterinary Appointment (2003)
Creating the Veterinary Experience (1999)


Dr. Ward is an award-winning practicing veterinarian and speaker, television and YouTube personality, and podcaster who specializes in teaching veterinary healthcare teams and pet owners how to lead more fulfilling, meaningful, and successful lives.

Whether he's dishing on the latest pet food and exercise trends, cutting-edge medicine, or confronting controversial topics, Dr. Ernie has a unique talent for making the most complex and challenging concepts easy to understand and relatable. 

Click here for Podcasts and Videos: 

Veterinary Viewfinder
Off Label Veterinary News


The guiding principle for Dr. Ward's work is life enhancement.

He is actively involved in developing veterinary and human medical technologies, diet and exercise research, animal life extension and augmentation Project 25 platform, and integrative medical practices.

He also holds a US Patent for the first โ€œsmart feeding bowl systemโ€ filed in 2016.

He is particularly interested in sharing his expertise on professional innovation and entrepreneurship, personal and professional relationship communications, and achieving optimal creativity and imaginative states.

Dr. Ward currently serves as Chief Veterinary Officer for VerticalVet in Charlotte, North Carolina.

He has founded and been a board member of several companies throughout his career.

